Tuesday, April 28, 2015

New Dragon Ball animated series

Almost 20 years after the disaster that was Dragon Ball GT, Goku and friends return to TV once more. The series titled Dragon Ball Super will take place after the battle with Buu. Luckily, Akira Toriyama (the series creator) will be involved in the project. I hope this series has more humor (like the original Dragon Ball) and sense of adventure than 3 episodes of characters powering up. Since it looks like Dragon Ball Super is not based on a comic book, there will be no need to stretch the fights in order to keep more or less in pace with the manga; and Toriyama is a comedic master (check the 3 Manga Theater volumes if you don't believe me).
Let's hope Mr. Satan returns!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Fun with Photoshop: My take on the new Joker

An image that seems to be the design for the Joker in the Suicide Squad movie was released last Friday and fans don't seem very happy.I don't mind the body tattoos but I don't think someone like the Joker would have them in his face. While it looks more like a henchman than Mr. J, the design could work. Let's remember one thing from the Grant Morrison's Batman run, the Joker reinvents himself each time (like David Bowie). The biggest flaw (in my opinion) is the lack of his iconic smile (he is the Joker after all). So, here it its, no face tattoos, more eyebrows and his classic grin. Enjoy!

X-men Apocalypse Nightcrawler!

First image of the teleporting mutant and while he doesn't have the comic book classic look, it reminds me of his X-men Evolution incarnation (in his civies clothes). Interestingly, he has claws now. Sadly we have to wait 1 year for this movie.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Convergence: Green Lantern / Parallax #1

 This issue is part of the Zero Hour tie-ins group. It takes us back to a really controversial time in the history of DC; the fall of Hal Jordan and the rise of Kyle Rayner. At couple of weeks (or days) after Kyle received the ring, he went to Metropolis. Suddenly the dome covers the city and finds himself trapped inside and his ring without power. Jordan was also in Metropolis and once he losses his power, his feelings of guild comes crawling back.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle #1

 At some point Dick Grayson stopped being Batman and returned to his Nightwing persona. He kept fighting crime in Gotham when suddenly the city was encased in a strange dome. One year later, Nightwing still fight criminals with the assistance of Oracle when the events of Convergence begin.

Batman V Superman trailer is here!

Looks great! I'm interested to know how Superman's powers are corrupting him or if it's just a voice over for the trailer. Some parts have an Injustice (the game) like-vibe (soldiers kneeling before Zod... I mean Superman and having a statue of him in Metropolis). .I love the DKR Bat-Armor! Sadly, the movie is one year away.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fun with Photoshop: Spider-Man 2099 for the Sega Genesis

New week, new console. We move into 16Bit territory (that doesn't mean we're done with the NES). Here's Spider-Man 2099, a character that for me, screams Blast Processing. There was a Spidey game for the Genesis but the 2099 version appeared for the first time as an alternate costume on the classic PlayStation game.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer

Impressive. Most impressive. Shows a lot and spoils nothing at the same time. December can't get any sooner.

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Ninja Gaiden Game that never happened

 I was browsing YouTube the other day and found this. Apparently there were plans to revive the classic franchise on the Game Boy Advance. Sadly it never saw the light of day but it looks really impressive. Luckily Ninja Gaiden received a revival on the original XBox some 10 years ago.

Convergence: Speed Force #1

 Classic Wally West is back, and he brought his kids for his latest (hopefully not last) adventure in this Convergence tie-in issue. In the story, Wally and the kids go to Gotham to investigate a strange energy signature. Suddenly, they are trapped in a dome and loose their powers. One year passes and Wally keeps trying to free the people trapped and return to his wife Linda when the events of Convergence begin.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fun with Photoshop: La Force laundry detergent

Fun with Photoshop is back! This time with a fake magazine ad inspired by the cover of the second issue of the current Darth Vader comic book series published by Marvel. The illustration features the Dark Lord of the Sith striking a pose I have never imagine he would do while walking in front of his subordinates. Using a few Pantene ads as reference and we have the best detergent republic credits can buy!

Epic Batman figure!

DC, make a Digital First comic series featuring this guy!
Square Enix made one Hell of a Batman figure! Wild West Batman is part of a the Timeless Batman series of action figures featuring versions of the Dark Knight Detective from different eras. DC has released various stories featuring a cowboy Batman but this design is the best, by far! If you have the space and $120 you can preorder this baby.

For more info and picture, visit comicbookresources.com.