Friday, December 26, 2014

Fun with Photoshop: The Black Cauldron for the NES

A fake game cover for a release based on one of Disney's less know animated movies. While not the best Disney movie, The Black Cauldron looks very different from the usual offerings from that studio, it feels more like the animated Hobbit or a Don Bluth flick. As lots of games based on Disney's properties made in the 8bit era, this one would have been made by Capcom.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What I want for Christmas

It's that time of the year! Christmas is a special time, it makes adults feel like kids again. Decorate the house with thousand of lights, wear ridiculous clothes of accessories, care about each other and brainstorm what would you want to give... or receive as a present. Well, these are the things I would love to (but surely won't) receive on Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring movie for free!

Taken from
The movie is available now for free in Google Play. Check it out in your Android device and don't miss the first installment of one of the best cinematic trilogies. Enjoy!

Friday, December 19, 2014

MVC Origins leaving the PSN store

Taken from
Source: Capcom Unity
Bad news everybody, the classic fighting game (well 2 actually) from the 90's is leaving the PSN and Xbox 360 digital store. MCVO or Marvel vs Capcom Origins is a digital only release that includes the original Marvel vs Capcom and Marvel Super-Heroes with on-line multiplayer and more features. If you love the genre and don't have this game, you may want to buy it ASAP since in a couple of days, it'll be gone.
Here are the dates:

 PSN (US): DEC 23, 2014
PSN (EU): DEC 23, 2014
XBLA (GLOBAL): DEC 31, 2014

Fun with Photoshop: Return of the Jedi for the NES

 Belive it or not, there is no NES game based on the third chapter of the original trilogy. It's kind of sad that the game was never made since it leaves an empty space in the NES library. Luckily the SNES has the Super Star Wars trilogy (as the 3 games, no a single game like the Indiana Jones Trilogy). This is how I think the cover for Return of the Jedi would look like using the previous 2 installments as reference.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Most of the Green Lantern line cancelled!

All is not well. The march solicits are up and lots of titles are getting cancelled, including most of the Green Lantern titles (including GL: New Guardians) with only the main Green Lantern title and Sinestro remaining. It is unknown if the cancelled titles will relaunch, replaced with a weekly series of the characters will be featured in a new title.
Here is the list of titles that end in March:
  • Aquaman and the Others
  • Infinity Man and the Forever People
  • Klarion
  • Secret Origins
  • Star-Spangled War Stories Featuring G.I. Zombie
  • Trinity of Sin
  • Worlds’ Finest
  • Arkham Manor
  • Batwoman
  • Green Lantern Corps
  • Green Lantern: New Guardians
  • Red Lanterns
  • Swamp Thing

Friday, December 12, 2014

Fun with Photoshop: Castlevania Symphony of the Night for the NES

 And NES version of one of my favorite games ever. I feels appropriate to do a cover for this game (3 games in the series were made for the NES) with the style of the classic Metroid box art (because of the gameplay). It was made with Castlevania 3 sprites, except Alucard which I used sprites from the very forgetful Castlevania Legends.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

12 days of free Digital Comics @ comiXology!!!

Taken from
Starting December 11th, comiXology is giving an issue of a popular series free of charge for 12 days (it ends on December 22nd). There is a new comic each day so be sure to check every day because you may not be able get the book from previous days. If you're interested, it is better to check the website instead of the app since you'll find the link with the comic of the day faster. Check it out!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

 Source IGN, following the Sony Pictures hack, some documents have surfaced that present some kind of deal between Marvel and Sony for the use of Spider-Man in the Captain America 3 - Civil War movie. In the comics, Peter Parker was essential to the Civil War storyline. Spoilers!!! After Peter develops a man-crush over Tony Stark, he choose to side with the Registration Act and unmasks himself. But later changes his mind, sides with Captain America. These events lead to the One More Day storyline, were Spider-Man makes a deal with the Devil so everyone forgets he is Peter Parker and  his aunt survives a fatal injury at the cost of his marriage (I really hope they don't include the last part in a movie).

It seems that the deal is not going to happen, which is unfortunately since it  would have been a great opportunity to let someone else handle Spidey. The unnecessary need of cramming as many characters into a movie and not letting a director and writers do their job is what is killing the Spider-Man franchise. Since this deal involves a ton of money, it seems very difficult for the Wall Crawler to return to Marvel's hand, but the deal seems more likely now than it was a year ago. Having Spidey interact with the Avengers would be awesome. Nevertheless, Marvel can use another character to fill Spider-Man shoes (Ant-Man, Black Panther or even Daredevil). Whatever happens to Spider-Man, I hope it doesn't involve a reboot!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Green Lantern: New Guardians looses it's writer

 According to Newsarama, Justin Jordan will no longer write the book after issue #40. There has been no word if the title will have a new writer (after the Convergence event) or it is cancelled. I enjoyed Jordan's stories. He managed to inject fun in the title, even if the stakes were high for the characters. For me, this is the best approach to write science-fiction. Hope it doesn't get cancelled since Kyle Rayner is my favorite GL and this one of the DC titles I purchase each month (Grayson being the other).

Friday, December 5, 2014

Fun with Photoshop: Battle of the Planets for the NES

Another game I would have loved as a kid. I used to watch this series on Saturday morning (with a different title, G Force) and love it. I purchased some of the DVD volumes released of the Japanese original, Gatchaman, and holds really well for a cartoon made in the 70's. For the cover, I used the first title of the series when it was released in the US, because it would have been the most likely choice at the time. For me, this game should be a side-scrolling beat-em-up and Komani did an excellent job with The Simpsons, TMNT and X-men arcades.