Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fantastic Four trailer

 The first teaser trailer of one of the most talked about movies of the summer (and not in a positive way). It doesn't seem to be based on the classic FF comics (maybe is based on the Ultimate Universe incarnation) Good? Bad? You decide!

Secret Wars and the future of the Marvel Universe

 It's been a while and I'm kind of late for this but on January 20th, Marvel held a special event related to the Secret Wars mini series that will be published this summer. And the announcement was big. Spoilers may follow.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Marvel Studios trailer double feature

 A new trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron appeared on YouTube yesterday. Surprisingly, it's shorter than the one released last year but we get to see some new scenes with the Ultron drones and Ironman's Hulk-Buster Armor. Can't wait to see it!
 The Ant man trailer was released last week. Judging from the trailer, it feels like a serious movie (even if it's about a guy who shrinks). Maybe the tone of the movie is different. The suit looks amazing! I am a big fan of Edgar Wright (Spaced, anyone?) and I hate that he departed the movie, but still, I'll give it a shot.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Awesome Ghostbusters animation

Nacho Punch has a series of animated shorts where they take a popular movie and turns it into an 80's anime. Their latest release is Ghostbusters. Looks really cool!

Fun with Photoshop: Batman V. Superman for the NES

 Another entry in the fake NES cover series, today we have Batman V. Superman, a game based on a movie that hasn't been released yet. To make it feel more retro, I used the style that was common in the early years of the 8-bit console. The Batman sprite comes from the classic Batman game. Superman was edited from a Sunman sprite. The Sunman game was made by Sunsoft but never released. It was originally a Superman game but it seems they lost the license and change the characters' sprites to avoid lawsuits..

Friday, January 2, 2015

Fun with Photoshop: SilverHawks for the NES

 Another fake game based on a 80's cartoon. I rarely saw SilverHawks but a friend from school loved them and always talk about them. Nevertheless they are a beloved franchise but seriously where is SilverHawks - Gatchaman crossover.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hey, meet 2015!

May this year be better than the one before. Full of joy, kindness, peace and excellent movies, books, comics and more! Let us be spared of war, conflicts, hunger, diseases, alien invasions, zombie outbreaks, robot uprisings, reality TV and other types of Apocalypse. Best of wishes for this new year!!!