Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Earth 2 comiXology Sale

ComiXology is having an Earth 2, Word Finest (current series) and JSA. It's a great opportunity to catch up with the current New 52 versions of the characters or enjoy the classic late 90's to mid 2000's classic. Sale ends next Monday at 11 PM. Check here for more details.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fun with Photoshop: Over the Top for the NES

Another Friday, another cover (sorry about last week). This week we have what could have been an interesting movie-tie-in game. Over the Top is a movie starring Sylvester Stallone where he plays a trucker who tries to bond with his son while he competes to become an arm-wrestling champion. Why this game never happened? An arm-wrestling game compatible with the relic of motion controllers, the Power Glove (it's so bad). The original version of the logo was uploaded to this page by Rominator.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Capcom games for sale @ PSN!!!

Lots of Capcom games are for sale on the PSN, including Capcom vs SNK 2 (a favorite of mine). It's an excellent game that shouldn't be missed (and with a price tag of $4.99 it's a steal). The sale also includes: Darkstalkers Resurrection, Devil May Cry games, Resident Evil games, Super Street Fighter II Turbo Hd Remix, Street Fighter X Tekken, Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (awesome mix of SF with Tetris), etc. Check the Playstion Blog for more details and full list of the games for sale, including the ones not from Capcom (like the great Soul Reaver).

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Live Action Titans series on the works?

 After taking over the big screen, the comic book superheroes are going to take over the small screen. With Arrow, The Flash, Constantine and Gotham, DC's Titans are the next project heading for TV. According to newsarama, TNT cable network could order a pilot episode with Akiva Goldsman writing the script. The series could star Raven, Starfire and Nightwing. I don't think the series will feature Cyborg because it seems he is attached to the Justice League movie. The series could work but we have to wait for the pilot and see.
One last thing, put Danny Chase on the series (red head kid bellow Raven). He was a really cool character from the comics that never got a chance to shine.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fun with Photoshop: Resident Evil for the NES

This week we have a cover for the survival horror classic, Resident Evil. I tried to use a title font with the style of 80's horror movies. The first Resident Evil game was released in 1996 (long after the NES finished it's life span) for the Playstation, but the is an unofficial version for the classic 8-bit console. Here's the video.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Grayson: Future Ends #1 Review

This issue presents a possible future for Dick Grayson and Helena Bertinelli that takes place 5 years from now (he’s not Nightwing again). After the war with another world, Dick and Helena are heroes, and the KGBeast becomes the president of the newly reformed Russia. But the Russian people are still suffering, and it’s up to Dick to set things right one last time. The issue asks for the reader’s time and attention, and it will deliver a great tale about responsibility, loyalty and love.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Marvel, bring Nova (Richard Rider) back!!!

After an excellent comic run, Nova a.k.a. Richard Rider (or Ryder) was banished in an event called The Thanos Imperative along with Star Lord and Thanos. Two of the came back (the ones attached to Marvel Cinematic Universe), but Nova didn’t. Fans have been asking for answers and the next couple of Guardians of the Galaxy issues will answer what happened to Rider (or Ryder).

Fun with Photoshop: The NeverEnding Story for the NES

A game that never happened, based on one of my favorite movies ever. The NeverEnding Story has a lot of video game potential but I don't think the NES could handle it and with the games-based-of-movies track record from those years it's probably for the best that this game doesn't exist. And yes, Milton Bradley made games in the late 80's to early 90's.