Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Mayor Spoiler

The movie was released some weeks ago. Lots of websites and videos are discussing the various plots, characters and, of course, the ending. But there is one spoiler that is not being covered.

Monday, May 19, 2014

X-Men Days of Future Past Thoughts

Taken from
The movie will be released this week and the final battle for mutantkind will be decided. The X-Men world is at ruins (thanks Brett Ratner), mutants are being hunted by machines and exterminated. We saw he trailers, we know the hype, but frankly, I have my doubts about the movie.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Affleck's Batman costume revealed

Last Tuesday, Zack Snyder posted this picture in his twitter account. Ben Affleck's Batman looks really huge, like a brawler more than an athletic ninja. The suit seems to be sewn together, given the appearance that Batman has spend many years as a vigilante. The big question is how good the

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth be with you!

May the 4th is widely known as Star Wars Day. And with this week casting reveals for Episode VII (Luke, Leia and Han are back!!!)it's clearly a great time for the fans of the Saga. If you plan to cosplay, play the video games or watch the movies, have a great time and May the Force be with You!