Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Spidey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

 Source IGN, following the Sony Pictures hack, some documents have surfaced that present some kind of deal between Marvel and Sony for the use of Spider-Man in the Captain America 3 - Civil War movie. In the comics, Peter Parker was essential to the Civil War storyline. Spoilers!!! After Peter develops a man-crush over Tony Stark, he choose to side with the Registration Act and unmasks himself. But later changes his mind, sides with Captain America. These events lead to the One More Day storyline, were Spider-Man makes a deal with the Devil so everyone forgets he is Peter Parker and  his aunt survives a fatal injury at the cost of his marriage (I really hope they don't include the last part in a movie).

It seems that the deal is not going to happen, which is unfortunately since it  would have been a great opportunity to let someone else handle Spidey. The unnecessary need of cramming as many characters into a movie and not letting a director and writers do their job is what is killing the Spider-Man franchise. Since this deal involves a ton of money, it seems very difficult for the Wall Crawler to return to Marvel's hand, but the deal seems more likely now than it was a year ago. Having Spidey interact with the Avengers would be awesome. Nevertheless, Marvel can use another character to fill Spider-Man shoes (Ant-Man, Black Panther or even Daredevil). Whatever happens to Spider-Man, I hope it doesn't involve a reboot!

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